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Monday, July 12, 2010

almost 8 weeks ago

I was lying in a hospital bed awaiting the arrival of cole.

8 weeks ago tomorrow.

that is crazy to me. he seems so old.

so big.

I have learned so much in these past 8 weeks.

one thing I told myself before having a baby is that I would go with the flow. I didn't want to think it was going to go according to my plan. I felt I would only stress out about things if that were the case.

one thing I have learned in the past 8 weeks is how to manage tiny sprouts & a baby. luckily for me I have a great baby who travels well, sleeps well & eats well. without that I am not sure how I would handle it.

being a mama is so fun.

things I have loved so much so far:

-nursing. I always thought it would be so weird but it ended up being so natural.

-cloth diapering. so easy while they are being breastfed!

-snuggling with cole in the morning time in our bed. LOVE this.

-getting to know more about him every day.

-celebrating his accomplishments (he held his head up so high the other day).

-watching bry with him. he is awesome with him!
life is so much better with a little one in it!
I started a cole blog so tiny sprouts can be more tiny sprouts.
if you'd like to see more pictures of him you can visit it at


kaylee@life chasers said...

I remember the first few months after my daughter was born and was in a constant state of awe at how fast she was growing and how much I was learning with her! I'm so glad we get to grow WITH our kids! Ashlynn is 10 1/2 months old and I can hardly believe that I'm planning her first birthday party already! It's scary...
Have SO much fun during this season and treasure every second!!!

RC said...

Hellò Tracey, I think a blog all about Cole is a fantastic idea. He is so beautiful, so sweet and funny. I like following his grown. Now I am going to comment his blog...

Jill said...

I just love your products and ordered an outfit for my little guy for when he was born. I absolutely love it and can't wait to order more for him! My little man is now 4 months old (just about exactly 2 months older than your little guy) and it's crazy how much he's grown. Enjoy his cuddles and smiles! :-)

Somanjana said...

Great to come across your blog. I can relate to it so well! Got a 7 month old boy...Hey, I've just started to chronicle my mommy experiences. Do pay a visit when you get a chance. Here is the link:

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